ePrivacy and GPDR Cookie Consent by Cookie Consent Quarz AG website - Web design company Romania
For this project, Prowebdesign acted on behalf of CGX.ch, our long time outsource partner.

The task was to create an turn-key WordPress website for a company (Quarz.ch) that has 3 different business directions: sale of high-end professional cosmetics, sale of LED lighting equipment and sale of electronics components. We were required to create 3 separate sections for the website, each with its own set of menus, functionalities and color scheme. Also there was a need for general section, that would hold information relevant to the company as a whole, and a splash page that would allow user to choose the business direction of interest.

The challenge was to NOT use WordPress multisite setup, but to create a possibility to assign any page or post to a certain section via admin. The page/post would then acquire a section-specific color scheme, menu sets, layout and even administration options.

Prowebdesign has successfully built a theme to these specifications. The project was a thrill to work on!

Cosmetics section

home page and partner brands page with open products’ filter

Led & Components sections home pages

Splash page & Cosmetics page – responsive demo